
About Dune

The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) is a software framework for the numerical solution of partial differential equations with grid-based methods. Using generic programming techniques it strives for both: high flexibility (efficiency of the programmer) and high performance (efficiency of the program). DUNE provides, among other things, a large variety of local mesh refinement techniques, a scalable parallel programming model, an ample collection of finite element methods and efficient linear solvers.

About this Course

The course material you are looking at has been used to teach an annual one week long summer school at the Interdisplinary Center for Scientific Computing at Heidelberg University for more than a decade. With the pandemic prohibiting the traditional format, the course has been given virtually for the first time in March 2021. With all our lectures being recorded, we are making the material now available for self study.

How to study with the Material

The course material is organized as a number of lectures. Each lecture consists of the following aspects:

  • One or more YouTube videos with the actual lecture that describes theoretical and implementation aspects of the lecture topic.

  • A PDF document explaining the lecture content in written form.

  • An exercise sheet with assignments for you to reflect on the lecture content.

It is important to understand that both the lecture (either in written form or as an actual lecture) and the exercises are necessary to build a profound understanding of the Dune framework.

The exercise material assumes some familiarity with the Linux shell e.g. switching directories with cd. If you have never worked with Linux before you might want to consider watching this video after setting up your environment:

In order to do the exercises, it is important to understand the directory structure of the course material. This structure results from the modular structure of the Dune ecosystem: The dune subdirectory contains sources of all required Dune modules. The release-build contains an out-of-source build performed by CMake. This build mirrors the directory structure of the source tree, but only contains generated files, build artifacts and simulation results:

├── dune
│   ├── dune-common
│   ├── dune-grid
│   ├── ...
│   └── dune-pdelab-tutorials
│       ├── tutorial00
│       │   ├── src
│       │   ├── doc
│       │   └── exercise
│       │       ├── task
│       │       ├── doc
│       │       └── solution
│       ├── tutorial01 ...
|       └── ...
├── release-build
|   ├── dune-common
|   ├── dune-grid
|   ├── ...
|   └── dune-pdelab-tutorials
|       ├── src_dir
|       ├── tutorial00
|       |   ├── src_dir
|       │   ├── src
|       |   |   └── src_dir
|       │   ├── doc
|       |   |   └── src_dir
|       │   └── exercise
|       |       ├── src_dir
|       │       ├── task
|       |       |   └── src_dir
|       │       ├── doc
|       |       |   └── src_dir
|       │       └── solution
|       |           └── src_dir
|       ├── tutorial01 ...
|       └── ...
├── release.opts
└── ...


The src_dir directories in the build directory are symbolic links to the corresponding source directory. This allows us to always operate directly in the build directory, but quickly jump to the correct source directory using cd.

The relevant Dune module for the course material is dune-pdelab-tutorials. It contains a subdirectory per lecture. Each of these lecture directories has the structure outlined for tutorial00 above:

  • src contains the C++ sources of the executable that is used in the lecture to illustrate the lecture topic. It is a fully functional simulation executable. There is typically additional configuration files that control the simulation in the src directory.

  • exercise/task contains the C++ sources for the exercise. You are not expected to write C++ programs from scratch. Instead, your task is to modify the given program.

  • exercises/solution contains the full solution to the tasks. Feel free to consult it if you are stuck.

  • doc and exercise/doc contain the Latex sources for the lecture. You do not need to build this yourself.

We have also summarized the structure of the lecture and exercise material in this short video:

Setting up the exercise environment

There is two ways of getting the code and the execution environment for the course material: Directly or within a virtual machine. We only describe the direct setup for recent Debian or Ubuntu systems, where as the virtual machine setup will work on all operating systems.

If you are on an Debian (e.g. version 10) or Ubuntu (e.g. 20.04 LTS) system, you should open a terminal and execute the following sequence of commands. This will download and build the course material on your computer.

sudo apt install git cmake build-essential paraview gmsh libsuitesparse-dev libsuperlu-dev openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev python3-dev python3-pip pkg-config
git clone --recursive
cd iwr-course-2021


Building the course material can take up to an hour. Be patient and do not close the terminal.

If you are running a different operating system, you can instead work in a virtual machine. In order to do so you need to:

If you have never worked with virtual machines before, you can also watch this video that runs you through the process: